Extreme close up

An extreme close up shot is used in films to portray the emotion of the character, here I wanted to convey a sad and gloomy moment by capturing the shot in black and white to emphasizes a gloomy atmosphere. 

Focus Pull with Zoom

The aim of a focus pull is to draw the audience focus into the action. This shot I have drawn focus to allow the audience attention to focus on the title of our short film.

Over-shoulder shot

An over-shoulder shot is to show the audience the character's actions from a different perspective. The over shoulder shot could convey a mysterious feel as you can't see the person but only what they are searching on the internet, creating tension. 

Hand Held Shot

A hand held shot is to engage the audience with the film. This technique is used for fast paced action films, which convey the feeling for the audience as if they are experiencing the action. As well places the audience within the character's perspective. 

 Tilt pan shot 

A Tilt pan can be used to introduce a character, revealing the character to the audience by starting at their feet and gradually revealing the character's face. For this shot my aim was to introduce the character however while the character was moving to engage the audience into the film. 

1 comment:

  1. Evidence of preliminary exercises: you did a great deal more so it would be good to offer the evidence.



LYDIA O'REILLY CANDIDATE NUMBER 1543 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy!  I worked...