Wednesday 27 September 2017


I undertook a preliminary exercise to practice filming and editing. Before leaving class, I had to learn to use the canon 650 and the manfrotto tripod and I had to learn   to bubble the tripod. Also, understanding getting my shots properly in focus. Below is my task:  

A pizza delivery takes place. Person A delivers the pizza to person B.
Shot types and camera movements to include:
  • tracking shot of person A on the way.
  • pan as person A enters room.
  • Over the shoulder shot to show person B greeting / talking
  • over the shoulder shot to show person A's response
  • shot reverse shot to show person B
Show that you can:
  • Use a tripod to keep shots steady (bubble the tripod).
  • Focus the camera. 
  • Take care of the camera and tripod.
  • Observe the 180 degree rule. 
  • Edit the sequence to make meaning clear. (Tutorial here.)
  • If you wish, you can add titles / sound to the edit.

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LYDIA O'REILLY CANDIDATE NUMBER 1543 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy!  I worked...