Tuesday 27 February 2018



Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy! 

I worked with Marada Kochi 1526 and Chloe Saville 1553.  

Our brief was to make the titles and openings of a fictional thriller film.  The title of our film is One By One.

Our film is immediately below, my preliminary exercises are above.

All my RESEARCH and PLANNING follow below on the main blog roll, in reverse order, starting with the latest first. To present my research and planning, I have used a wide variety of platforms and tools: Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Emaze, YouTube, Piktochart and iMovie

My CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION is above under Pages. Clicking on the tab CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION will show the research and planning that went into our responses to these questions. To present my responses, I have used the following platforms: question 1: Movie with quick time; question 2 ; question 3 Emaze; question 4: Emaze. 

Final Opening

We together as a production team, directed certain scenes, working together to create an exiting thriller film opening. I took responsibility in particular, for the scene of Eve filming herself for her blog.  I set the camera and tripod in my bedroom, where I recorded myself using a Canon 750D and captured mid-shot of myself to create a realistic feel that I was filming for my blog.  

Friday 2 February 2018

Construction: Filming the blog scene

For this scene, we filmed in my bedroom to make feel more realistic for the audience. This is the first scene we introduce the opioids to which eve becomes addicted to throughout the opening there are scenes where she is taking her opioids.

Eve is filming for her blog which she explains to her viewers what has happened in her life and the way eve is speaking she comes across as upset and depressed.  I recorded myself using a canon 750D and captured mid-shot of myself which makes it seem more realistic that I was filming for my blog website. 

My fellow team member created a website for my character which is feature in this scene and we recorded an over shoulder shot which showcases eve scrolling through old pictures of herself and friends and comes across as angry as she feels betrayed by her friends, as well when she slams the laptop case down.

In contrast, we filmed a scene for eve blog to show how she was before she became mentally ill and also features two of her friends, which we used a tripod and canon 750D and capture a mid-shot.  This shot of eve and two friends gives the audience a different perspective of what eve was like before she became unwell. 

Risk Assessment:

Construction: Filming The Park Scene

Park scene

 My team and I went to West End recreation which we filmed myself as eve playing with Elizabeth. During this scene, Eve is portrayed as mentally unstable as she is emotionally attached to Elizabeth seeing her as her only friend.  We used the park, as children playground can convey a creepy effect, especially in many horror films, a playground scene is portrayed. 

While filming this scene I positioned Elizabeth with me and we captured different perspectives of close ups of Elizabeth, that showcased the relationship between my character and Elizabeth, which was a wide shot.  

As the image shows, I wanted to convey a strong relationship between Elizabeth and me, therefore copying Elizabeth's hairstyle portrays how my character has become mentally unstable as she is trying to be like Elizabeth. The positioning of the camera shows emptiness in the background which connotes the loneliness around my character Eve as it showcases to the audience, Eve’s only friend is Elizabeth.  

For the next scene, we added a close up of Elizabeth on the swing which creates a creepy effect for the audience as dolls are related to horror films. The connotations keep the audience wanting to know what the doll is capable of and wanting to keep watching. To the scene of close up of Elizabeth, we added sound effects of the swing, wind, the girl breathing and scary humming sound, all of which create an unsettling feeling as they connote horror.    

Although, the filming at the park was a success, when coming back to editing we had to overcome a problem with sound. The scenes filmed had interfered with the background sound, we decided to use voice over instead of the actual footage sound due to the background sound confided with the speech.  

I recorded myself using the mic on iMovie to which we fitted into the clips, resulting in better clarity in sound. I believe that this handling showcases the attachment that Eve feels when she is around Elizabeth and the love she feel towards Elizabeth, which again shows the audience how Elizabeth is identified with Eve's mental state. 

 Overall, the filming was a success and we worked well as team together to create a unsettling atmosphere and the effect of loneliness. 

Sunday 14 January 2018

Construction: Ident

Today, we were taught about idents: which is a short sequence shown on television before to identify the channel. We then in our group, were able to make our own ident for our own production.    

  Firstly, we had to find a green screen effect which we looked on YouTube which had various green screens, until we came across a green screen which we thought as a group worked well for our production. We found a forest green screen which would fit our genre as its psychological thriller.  Using imovie,  added the green screen to which we then  decided to search the internet for gloomy/creepy colour background to fit with the forest to emphasis the genre for our production.

Once we linked the forest and background together, we named our production title: Seven Studios which we have not finished editing the font. 
Furthermore, we wanted to add sound effects to create excitement and suspense, we found on YouTube wind sound effects and a little girl giggling. 

Using the sound effects, we added the wind to the opening as the title appeared and faded the giggling girl towards the end until blank screen to add suspense and excitement.  Overall, creating our Ident was a success and we had little trouble figuring out the green screen.   

Wednesday 13 December 2017

My Target Audience


I needed to plan how to reach my Target Audience. In order to plan to reach my target audience, I needed to know who they are such as: The age, gender, ethnicity and social class. I also needed to research their media needs which will allow me to produce a product that will meet their required means to what they are interested in.  Finally, I will show how my research has influenced my planning to reach my target audience.  

I started by investigating how different brands define audiences in preparation to allow me to create my own audience profile for our production.  For example, I looked at how Bauer Media, NME and Sky defined audiences, this allowed me to profiling my audience. As part of distribution for my film, I and members of my group created social media pages such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook page. 

We also created a blog from the website Wix, which was created to be part of our film but allowed us to  insight of the main character for a give the audience a real feel to what the character is like before they watch the production.  In addition, profiling my audience I worked out why they enjoy the genre; Why would they want to watch my film?; What makes my film different from competing films? and How will my film appeal to the viewing needs of my target audience? 

1. Who Is My Target Audience?

British, Male and Female aged from 18-35 who love thriller films, psychological thrillers and TV crime. 

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer? 

As the target audience for our production is wide range, The younger generation would seem likely to prefer films such as November criminals and Stranger Things, whereas for our older generation films they would likely prefer would be, Gone girl and The Killing which both film and TV show portray psychological and thriller genres which suit best to our production. 

3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films? 

Our audience are most likely to watch a film at the cinema such as an Every Man which is an independent network of boutique cinemas  with a passion of quality and suits all ages and provides a rich surround sound system for the best experience

4. What brands do they prefer? (food, clothing, media) 

In my mood board, I research different brands that our audience would prefer. I chose wide range to suit for our target audience, for food: I chose places that would suit everyone which was Pret a manger, Starbucks and Chipotle. For Clothing, I chose clothing that would suit more younger area of audience such as Topshop and PINK Victoria Secret. For Films, my other members and I agreed on all films together by watching the trailers and considering our target audience picked wide range of films and TV shows, such as: Nerve, Gone Girl, Netflix, You get me, The Killing etc. 

5. What makes my film stand out from the competition?

Our film, stands out from competitors because we showcase an upcoming topic in media about opioids addiction, as our main character, Eve is prescribed opioids to help with her lose of her mother when she becomes addicted and reveals her inner rage. 

Sunday 10 December 2017

Filming the Party Scene

Today, In class we filmed the beginning of our opening scene for our film called "One By One". The first scene involves a party scene which you can see on our shot list what the basics of whats happening in the scene.  As we were filming in our media classroom we wanted to create the atmosphere that we were having a party, by using props that we purchased for our film to make the scene as realistic as possible.  

 We ordered strobe lights from amazon which really enhance the atmosphere of the party scene, which we sectioned off part of the classroom and placed the strobe lights around the section, by having the small section it create more of an illusion that it was a party instead of being the whole of classroom and looking empty.  The lighting enabled us to create a realistic experience of a party. The photo beside shows the putting up the strobe lights. 

We also to again create the impression of a party scene, we included more props such as wine bottles and glasses which created the illusion of a party. As there is only three us in the group, to make it more realistic we used other people from our media class to join to which added empathizes to make it seem that there were lots of people, which is why we sectioned part of the classroom which helped maintain the impression of there being lots of people. 

We used a background from the internet and projected it onto the screen which created again more emphasis of more people at the party. 

For Filming, we used a canon 750D, which we used a tripod for different shots to provide stability and to enable a still focus for certain shots, however we also used different shots for other parts of the scene, such as point of view angle of the character, wide shot angle to portray the party and close up shot of the character to show the reaction shot of to what was happening in the scene.      

                                                                               The sound which will use for our party scene will be edited into by using sound effects and music which will be more effective and much clearer.       

Overall, the party scene was a successful and creating the atmosphere was done well due to our props and the way we captured the scenes, by using specific shot types to enabled realistic party scene                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


LYDIA O'REILLY CANDIDATE NUMBER 1543 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy!  I worked...